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Meet Chuck Williams



Thank you for your interest in my campaign.  For those who may not yet know me, allow me share some information about myself for your consideration. 

My full name (which may be how it reads on the ballot) is Thomas Charles Williams, Jr. and my friends and family have always called me "Chuck".

I am a member of Scotland AME Zion Church in Potomac, Maryland, a suburb right outside of Washington DC.  We are members of the Baltimore Presiding Elder District, led by Rev. Dr. Evalina Huggins, which spans from the Maryland suburbs of DC, to the City of Baltimore Maryland, and its surrounding area suburbs.  We are members of the Philadelphia and Baltimore Annual Conference, covering the Baltimore (MD), Eastern Shore (MD), Harrisburg (PA), Philadelphia (PA) and Washington (DC) Presiding Elder districts.  We cover the states of Maryland, parts of Pennsylvania, parts of northern Virginia, and Washington DC.  We are part of the Mid-Atlantic Episcopal District where our bishop is the Right Reverend Brian R. Thompson.

I was born and raised in Jersey City, New Jersey where I met my wife, Cathy, a life-long member of Zion, and a native of Fayetteville, NC.  We have two adult sons, a daughter-law, and a granddaughter.

I spent the majority of my professional career as a financial planner, so I am very comfortable with analyzing data,  public relations and supporting people as well as providing service and advice.  I studied economics and music in college so in addition to my financial career, I enjoy singing with the Scotland AME Zion Mass Choir as well.

I joined the Lay Council while a member of Scotland AME Zion and I have taken on several positions at the local church, district, conference and connectional levels.  Currently, I am the chairperson of the Connectional Lay Council Communications Commission.  A list of my past duties is as follows:

  • Chairperson, Connectional Lay Council Communications Commission - 2021-Present

  • Vice Chairperson, Connectional Lay Council Elections Committee – 2020-2021

  • State-side Regional Director for Eastern West Africa (Nigeria) – 2016-2021

  • Philadelphia and Baltimore Lay Council Membership Committee – 2015 - 2020

  • Philadelphia and Baltimore Conference Lay Council Bylaws Committee - 2014

  • Baltimore District Lay Council President: 2015- 2019

  • Chairperson, Baltimore District Voter Engagement/Project 100: 2020 - Present

  • Baltimore District Lay Council 2nd Vice President: 2013-2015

  • Baltimore District Lay Council Recording Secretary: 2010 – 2013

  • Local Church Lay Council President 2010 - Present


Committee to Elect Chuck Williams
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